
Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club celebrating two major milestones

Published Wed 07 Aug 2019

Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club, and off the beach club in Adelaide, are celebrating their 100th season this year. They have also reached another milestone – electing their first female Commodore, Lisa Brock. Here is a short interview with Lisa.




How did you get into sailing?

I grew up in WA and sailed occasionally on surf cats off the beach with my stepfather Terry, he bought a big catamaran which was moored in the river and we used to take that out occasionally (we did seem to spend a lot of time cleaning it). We once sailed it into a fleet of Moths! Terry decided to buy a monohull instead and I sailed with him and his crew in a long race on the Swan River.

I came to SA after year 12 and had left all my friends behind. One Saturday I looked in the Marine section of the Advertiser and saw a Heron for sale at Hahndorf for $400. I drove up there and picked it up, brought it home and re-painted it, then took myself to BSYC and said "here I am I am ready to go sailing" and a long sailing career started from there as I moved from Herons to Payne Mortlock Sailing Canoes, to NS14's, to Sharpies and back to NS14's. I have also done a 10 day voyage on the "One and All" and sail on Keel Boats during the winter.



What’s the best thing about sailing?

For me the best thing about sailing is whilst you are out there sailing your mind is completely taken up by concentrating on the wind, the waves and getting the crewing right, there is no time to think about work or anything else, it is like yoga for me.



What’s your experience of being a woman in sailing?

I have had some great experiences sailing, some of my best friendships have formed at BSYC. Though I have sailed with mostly male skippers I have not let this hold me back in getting out on the water, I have had so much fun sailing with them. I sailed this year in the Australian Women's Keel Boat Regatta in Melbourne with 8 other women on "Clockwork" a Sydney 38, this was one of the best events I have competed in, the conditions were windy and we truly bonded over the 6 races. I look forward to sailing on whatever boat I can get on and I will continue to be the Junior RO at BSYC, another role which gets me out on the water!



Why did you take on an official role at your club?

BSYC is such a special place for me, it always has the answers for me. When I needed friends I started sailing there, I met my husband there and BSYC supported me when that didn't work out. I find the answers to many questions in the clubhouse. I felt BSYC had given so much to me and it owed me nothing so I decided to take on the role of Vice Commodore. I had previously been writing the NS14 log book article for about 10 years and had organised several National events at BSYC.

When I took on the role of Vice Commodore 4 seasons ago there hadn't been a Female Vice Commodore before, it took me one season to understand what was happening and the next 2 to get things going. The natural progression from Vice Commodore is to Commodore and for me it turned out to be this year, our 100th season, I would be the first female Commodore ever, it is also the year of the woman so as they say "all the ducks lined up in a row". I have a great team supporting me who I can trust and in the comfort of the clubhouse there is plenty of advice!



It’s your club’s 100th season – Anything special planned?

BSYC has a chock a block program both sailing and socially, we are going to hold State Heats for 420's, 505's, One Design Windsurfers, Contenders, NS14's, Fireballs, Sabres and Sharpies. On the January long weekend, we will hold the One Design Windsurfer Nationals and are expecting over 100 entrants competing in racing, marathons and freestyle events. All our events are themed with our new 100th Logo, we will have lots of merchandise for sale. There will be our ever successful Family Fun Day and we are working on a Keel Boat Rendezvous over the Easter Weekend.

Our BSYC Historical book "Gold on Black" has been re-written and continued on and will be launched on 29th February.

During the Christmas/New year period we will host a low key Gold on Black Regatta open to anyone who wants to participate. Then on 8th & 9th February we will hold our Centenary Regatta where we are trying to encourage any older boats which have sailed at BSYC over the past 100 years to come back for this event which will be scored on yardstick, we are hoping to have entries of Moths, Gwen 12's, Rainbows, 12' Cadets etc. On the Saturday night of this regatta we will host a 1920's themed party. All this will be going on in between our regular Saturday sailing, coaching, School Holiday Programs, Women’s Courses, Tackers, Adult Learn to Sail and Out There Sailing.
