
Darling Point Sailing Squadron unveil new female facilities

Published Sun 27 Oct 2019

On Saturday 19th October 2019, thanks to the Queensland Government’s Female Facilities Grant of $329,825, the Darling Point Sailing Squadron unveiled new showers, toilets and change rooms facilities. Among the many user groups and speakers who congratulated the club on the success of the achievement and the fantastic new facilities, one speech stood out as a great message for all and really captured the significance of the new facilities.


Junior Sailing member, Catherine Colbert’s speech at the Official Opening of the new female facilities:

As someone who has been sailing at Darling Point Sailing Squadron for around the last eight years, today is the embodiment of a phrase we have all heard before one way or another.  It describes the persistence and determination, the small and large scale impacts of people who are invested in shaping the future of women in sailing.  This is the phrase “little by little, a little becomes a lot.” 


When I first started sailing back in 2012, if you can imagine little grade 4 me, I did my Tackers course at DPSS with 10-12 other kids, one being my brother but he’s irrelevant. From what I can remember, around 4-5 of these were girls, so numbers were fairly even.  However, it wasn’t until around 5 years ago when I began to sail more regularly that I noticed that many of the boys would continue sailing unlike the girls who would fade away.  Back then there were barely any older girls sailing so there was no one there for us to look up to and nothing that made us want to keep going.  Yes, we are different to boys and we like to do things differently, and I think DPSS has been really supportive and nurturing of these differences.  The new facilities available and the strong sense of community support has allowed for the number of girls participating and competing to grow.  And may I just say that there is nothing better to make you sail faster than knowing you have a hot shower waiting for you as soon as you come off the water, queue free.   

This progress has not magically happened.  There was no big leap, only small steps, small opportunities that lead to bigger opportunities.  It was those smiles, congratulations and kind words coming from people who noticed when you had a good race and made smart decisions.  It is the encouragement even after you really messed up and the words of wisdom of what to do or look for next time that has really help foster such amazing supportive relationships within the DPSS community.  The new facilities available really showcase just how dedicated the club is towards ensuring a bright future for women in sailing.  Having the same facilities as the guys just show that both of us really are equal.  Big thank you to everyone involved in making this a possibility, to those who allowed the grant, applied for the grant, offered money and made it happen, thank you for your continued efforts in supporting girls in sailing.

