
How She Sails: Amelia

Published Thu 21 Oct 2021


How long have you been in the sport of Sailing?
23 years

What Club, Association or company are you involved with?
Royal Yacht Club Tasmania

What Part do you play in our sport?
Sailor; Coach

Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing.
My parents took my down to the club for a learn to sail on a Sunday, and then I got into weekend racing

There are many pathways in sailing, where has your journey taken you?
I am a member of the Australian Sailing Squad 470mixed, and have previously been in 470W amd 49erfx. Travelled internationally for competitions, multiple national titles, state championships.

Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?
The competition aspect, perfecting technical skills and fitness

What would you say to someone thinking about getting into sailing?

To give it a crack, you never know what kind of new experiences you might get out of it! I never thought I would get to such a high level of elite sport, and I’ve had an incredible time

Tell us your favourite story ….
Sailing brings you close to so much wildlife and it’s always a great day when you have playful dolphins dancing besides your boat.  BUT when a whale pops up in front of you and you’ve got nowhere to go ahhhh. The best dolphin story I have is when I was 11 yo and sailing a sabot and we were playing follow the leader.  There was one boy who was a long way behind.  He got the fright of his life when all of a sudden he was going super fast or should I say “dolphin fast”.  He got a free ride from a very helpful dolphin. You  just never know what will help you along the way!


"Give sailing a crack, you never know what kind of new experiences you might get out of it!"

