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How She Sails: Angela
Published Mon 25 May 2020

How long have you been in the sport of Sailing?
15 years
15 years
What Club, Association or company are you involved with?
What Part do you play in our sport?
Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing.
Dinghy sailing when I was 7, twilight's on larger keelboats. From there I did keelboat courses and sailed with my mum.
There are many pathways in sailing, where has your journey taken you?
I sail in club competition on a keelboat that encourages women in sailing. Twilight's and regattas, as well as our weekend day races. Hoping to do longer races to build up to a Sydney to Hobart.
Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?
The companionship that comes with being part of a team. How focused you need to be. Being out in the elements. Being physical and building strength and endurance.
What would you say to someone thinking about getting into sailing?
Just get out there! There are lots of boats that will take you on without having prior sailing experience. Give it a go. You can learn out there, or do a number of courses to fine-tune your skills.
Tell us your favourite story ….
During the trip back from the Cockburn sound regatta we had following sea and a good 25 knots. With only the main and a number 2 we reached 13 knots on an s80. It felt like we were flying !
During the trip back from the Cockburn sound regatta we had following sea and a good 25 knots. With only the main and a number 2 we reached 13 knots on an s80. It felt like we were flying !