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How She Sails: Ann
Published Thu 25 Jun 2020


What Club, Association or company are you involved with?
Royal Yacht Club of Victoria
What Part do you play in our sport?
Sailor; Club Volunteer; Committee Member
Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing.
A friend's husband was looking for sailing crew on a Wednesday afternoon during the winter months. I decided to 'give it a go' and got hooked on the excitement at the finish line of pursuit racing (stern chasers). A novice sailor at 55yrs, but a fit physiotherapist.
There are many pathways in sailing, where has your journey taken you?
After one year I was invited as 'last crew on' for a yacht delivery Melbourne to Hobart, and two more deliveries from Whitsundays to Sydney. I've sailed with a women's crew in the WKR for 6yrs,raced as only woman with an S80 crew; mixed crew on Sydney38 and three delivery trips; crewed on a Sydney 32; have owned a yacht since 2011 (Bluebird 22).
Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?
I like the feeling of freedom, of being on the move, that you can go fast, that there's an element of danger if things go out of control, you always learn something new, the 'cerebral' activity of racing tactics,team work, mateship.
What would you say to someone thinking about getting into sailing?
Give it a go! Seek out skippers who are 'kind' to the novice crew. Take a 'competent crew' course, it really helps. Work on your physical fitness. Read lots of sailing stories,talk with other sailors. Grab every opportunity to sail.
Tell us your favourite story ….
email sent 15 June, 2004 "Hi all, the boat 'Good Company' that I crewed on, won the 14th RYMS women's regatta! Our crew came first on handicap for heats 2,3,4. Yipee!! We celebrated hard just like we sailed...hard and fast."
email sent 15 June, 2004 "Hi all, the boat 'Good Company' that I crewed on, won the 14th RYMS women's regatta! Our crew came first on handicap for heats 2,3,4. Yipee!! We celebrated hard just like we sailed...hard and fast."