
How She Sails: Carrol

Published Mon 20 Mar 2023

How long have you been in the sport of Sailing?

10 Years

What Club, Association or company are you involved with?

Royal Geelong  Yacht Club and Geelong Trailable Yacht Club

What Part do you play in our sport?

Sailor, Club Volunteer & Committee Member

Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing

My husband and I use to play competitive hockey but we both played on the weekend and we wanted more time together so I took up sailing instead, got hooked and started racing and before long I'd convinced my husband to buy a cruising yacht.

There are many pathways in sailing, where has your journey taken you?

From racing trailer sailers, then keel boats, now champagne sailing on a cruising yacht. I have also watched my husband build a trailer sailer!

Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?

I love being out on the water obviously but most of all being in control of a machine that is powered by wind and nature. I love the adrenaline you get at the start of a race and listening to all the tactics behind a good sail, and you can't beat the scenery or the wildlife you see! It's a different world.

What would you say to someone thinking about getting into sailing?

Have a go but start at dinghy level so you can learn as much as you can. Sailing is an awesome sport where age is not a problem!

Tell us your favourite story ….

I have so many stories but one that sticks out is when we bought a boat back from Hobart after the race. For me it was my first time at sea in a boat other than the Spirit of Tasmania. We saw so much (except when I got sea sick haha). I did night watches and realising I could actually see the stars, and learning how to steer and feel the wind was incredible. It was an amazing experience and I was hooked!

