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How She Sails: Clare
Published Mon 11 May 2020

14 years of actual sailing (there was a big break)

What Club, Association or company are you involved with?
Richmond River Sailing Club
What Part do you play in our sport?
Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing.
When I lived in the UK as a child I raced with Sarah Ayton (who went on to win two Olympic gold medals). Sadly I did not make it to this level and reluctantly (and naively) left the sport for nearly twenty years. I competed at a national level and around Europe for many years and was lucky to be trained by some incredible sailors. Luckily the instinct of sailing has remained with me but I'm definitely rusty. I'm training harder than ever to get back into the sport that fills me with 100% pure joy.
There are many pathways in sailing, where has your journey taken you?
After my break from sailing, I went on a yacht for an evening charter for a friend's birthday in Hobart. The following week they asked me to take part in the Sydney to Hobart race (which I just did and absolutely loved every second of). The following week I also got a crewing position on a boat at Southport Yacht Club. I also joined my local sailing club where an incredible man called Michael has grown a small fleet of 15 ft skiffs. So I decided to buy a skiff and get back into racing regularly. I was lucky enough to have an excellent helm and we won a few regattas and the bug came well and truly back. I'm loving learning and training and could easily do it every day if I were able to.
Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?
When I sail I feel absolutely focussed. It's like mindfulness for me, but with some adrenaline and hardcore exercise thrown in. And at the end of the day I have a feeling that I can't even describe. I can't believe that I didn't sail for so long. I will never ever give up sailing again.
What would you say to someone thinking about getting into sailing?
Try it. Keep trying it. You'll never regret it.
Tell us your favourite story ….
Winning the recent regatta in Brisbane and winning the skiff division was a pretty amazing moment for me. It was like stepping back in time. I'm just about to turn 40 but I felt like I was 20. I've probably never been fitter or more determined in my life.
Winning the recent regatta in Brisbane and winning the skiff division was a pretty amazing moment for me. It was like stepping back in time. I'm just about to turn 40 but I felt like I was 20. I've probably never been fitter or more determined in my life.