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How She Sails: Kelly
Published Mon 18 May 2020

4 years
What Club, Association or company are you involved with?
Darwin Sailing Club

What Part do you play in our sport?
Sailor; Race Official; Instructor; Club Volunteer; on water volunteer; Club administrator; Club Management
Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing.
A friend of a friend of a friend dragged me along for a sail on a local club boat at MBBC. I loved it the first time and was addicted by the third. I think my obvious joy paid off because my skipper (friend and mentor) Darryl agreed to teach me all that I wanted to know. And so the roller coaster started...
There are many pathways in sailing, where has your journey taken you?
After crewing for about a year I decided I wanted to know more about the sailing life. Timing is everything and I put my hand up when opportunity knocked to be the new Training Coordinator at MBBC in Moreton Bay. Instructing taught me new perspective about the sport I love and loads of new pathways opened up for me. Less than 3 years in and I accepted a new role as Sailing Manager at Darwin Sailing Club and have just celebrated my first 12 months.
The roller coaster continues to gather momentum. I will get my SRO qualifications mid-year and look forward to volunteering again at Sail Melbourne/Brisbane/Sydney in our off season. And competing at AWKR next June.
And sometime in the future, when things open up again, I look forward to taking part in our Darwin to Saumlaki race and rally. As sailor and race management!
Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?
On water, I love the freedom, the wind in the sails, the pure exhilaration. I love challenging myself to achieve that little bit more. I love the sting of the salt, the crash of the bow into waves. I love it when my hair sticks out sideways when I get off the boat because it has been a drenching good day.
Off water, I love introducing new people to the above. :)
What would you say to someone thinking about getting into sailing?
I thought about it vaguely for most of my life. I started in my mid 40's and am grateful everyday for that 'nagging' friend who finally got me there. Just do it. Even if you hate it at least you have tried.
Tell us your favourite story ….
My sailing life. One exciting episode after another.
My sailing life. One exciting episode after another.