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How She Sails: Lana
Published Wed 13 May 2020

How long have you been in the sport of Sailing?
1 year and half
1 year and half
What Club, Association or company are you involved with?
YMCA Canberra Sailing Club
What Part do you play in our sport?
Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing.
I first got involved in sailing because my mum told me it was a fun sport and I should try it out. I was a bit nervous at first since not many people from my school were there and that I'd be alone but I made the choice to go anyway.
There are many pathways in sailing, where has your journey taken you?
When I first got there, I first started off crewing but I knew that I’d want to advance and become a skipper. So every time I got the chance I would skipper and improve my skills. I didn’t have a level 2 but because I learnt a lot and caught on quickly and just wasn’t officially allowed to skipper the club still let me have a go and continue developing my skills. After one year of sailing I was encouraged to get my level 2 and that’s exactly what I did. During the program I had a lot of fun and learnt even more about the pacers and sailing itself. During the first year of sailing I wasn’t friends with many of the people there but on my second year I became friends with a lot of them and now sailing is even better. After my level 2 I was also invited by one of the instructors to crew for them in races. I thought this was a great opportunity as I could learn more about the racing environment and strategic plans. I was also made captain for my school (the club has two schools that sail together), this made me very happy when I got the news. Since not many people from my school do sailing I also thought it would be a good idea to promote it and get others to join, I did this but COVID-19 made it a bit confusing and now people who do want to try it will have to wait until term 4. I hope to get my level 3 soon and learn even more about the sport, and start instructing and helping out with other sailing courses that occur on the holidays. I’d also like to continue racing and try as many different things to do with sailing as I can.
Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?
I like sailing because it’s not about strength or who’s the tallest, anyone can sail, it’s about strategy and skill. I enjoy sailing because I’ve always liked being in the water and adding boats and wind just makes it a whole lot better. The YMCA community is really supportive and I hope to keep many friends from sailing for a long time. I also like that even if you’re not comfortable or confident with skippering the club supports you and encourages you to have a go.
What would you say to someone thinking about getting into sailing?
I would say definitely try it. It’s honestly just so nice to be out in the water and racing against your friends. Teaching the new people is also a great experience and while you teach you also learn and improve your leadership skills.
Tell us your favourite story ….
I have many favourite stories, I always get really excited when I get to go to sailing because it’s always fun. But my favourite story of when I’m out on the water was when I was getting my level 2. I was on the pacer with a younger girl and she was there to get her level 1, because I was a bit more experienced the club paired me with her and I helped her understand what everything does on the pacer and how to tack and gybe. I was so happy with myself because I think that she had a great time and that sailing will be something she wants to continue with in the future.
I have many favourite stories, I always get really excited when I get to go to sailing because it’s always fun. But my favourite story of when I’m out on the water was when I was getting my level 2. I was on the pacer with a younger girl and she was there to get her level 1, because I was a bit more experienced the club paired me with her and I helped her understand what everything does on the pacer and how to tack and gybe. I was so happy with myself because I think that she had a great time and that sailing will be something she wants to continue with in the future.