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How She Sails: Maryke
Published Thu 18 Jun 2020

60 Years

What Club, Association or company are you involved with?
Port Curtis Sailing Club, Gladstone. Queensland
What Part do you play in our sport?
Sailor; Race Official; Instructor; Coach; Club Volunteer; on water volunteer; Club administrator; Club Management; Club Flag Officer; Committee Member; Sport Promoter; Parent
Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing.
With my father on a Gwen12. Then Learn to Sail program with Port Curtis Sailing Club at age 11. Continued to sail, cruise, race all my life.
There are many pathways in sailing, where has your journey taken you?
Firstly sailed around the world with my parents as a teenager from 1968 to 1972. Raced in the North Sea and the Solent. Harbour and Offshore races such as the Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht race (18) as helmsman and crew. I became heavily involved with all aspects of our club, as volunteer, committee member, through to three terms as Commodore. This sparked my passion for sail training and achieved Instructor/Sailmaster/Inshore/Offshore/Rescue Boat instructor/Examiner through the then AYF Sail Training Scheme. Though not racing as much now I still cruise and do harbour races.
Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?
Sailing has been wonderful for our family. With three sons who all sail it has been a real family affair and a great bond and source of enjoyment. It fosters a great personal confidence and sense of achievement, but sailing with a team/crew is special. No matter what gender balance on board, working as a team and supporting each other's strengths and weaknesses is very special to our sport.
I do enjoy seeing so many more women becoming more competent sailors and enjoying sailing. I am proud of the strong representation in our club of active women sailors of all ages, on management committees and training.
What would you say to someone thinking about getting into sailing?
Get as much experience as you can on all levels. Just go for it. Offer your interest and services ashore and on the water. If you feel you can do something - do it. Don't stand back. Learn the rules and join in. You will amaze yourself at what you can achieve. You'll love it.
Tell us your favourite story ….
Where do I start? Racing, Cruising, Training? Too many to list. I guess the most satisfaction I have gotten is from helping children (and adults) to learn to sail and develop their skills. To see them continue to sail and achieve. I love to see our club members participate and do well at State and National Titles and avidly follow their International sailing careers. I guess my favourite story is their story.
Where do I start? Racing, Cruising, Training? Too many to list. I guess the most satisfaction I have gotten is from helping children (and adults) to learn to sail and develop their skills. To see them continue to sail and achieve. I love to see our club members participate and do well at State and National Titles and avidly follow their International sailing careers. I guess my favourite story is their story.