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How She Sails: Naomi
Published Tue 15 Dec 2020
How long have you been in the sport of Sailing?
17 months
What Club, Association or company are you involved with?
Darwin Sailing Club
What Part do you play in our sport?
Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing.
A friend who is a sailor & a generous skipper who was willing to give a beginner a go
There are many pathways in sailing, where has your journey taken you?
I want to inspire young people.
Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?
It’s a roller coaster of life on the water in a few hours, what’s not to enjoy! I have learnt a lot about myself and my capability.
What would you say to someone thinking about getting into sailing?
Do it! I would be looking for those who aren't event thinking about it, and plant the seed that its possible
"I have learnt a lot about myself and my capability." |