
How She Sails: Rebecca

Published Wed 13 May 2020

How long have you been in the sport of Sailing?
3 years

What Club, Association or company are you involved with?
Oxley Sailing Club

What Part do you play in our sport?
Sailor; Club Volunteer; on water volunteer

Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing.
I was interested in learning to sail so did a Google search and found a learn to sail course at my local club. I enrolled and immediately loved it!

There are many pathways in sailing, where has your journey taken you?
My initial goals were to have fun doing something I really enjoy while gaining skills to become a competent sailor. But our club is working hard to promote sailing for young people and boost membership so I became involved in this process. I completed an AI course and got a powerboat licence so I could assist with Tackers. I regularly volunteer with our Tackers programs and enjoy seeing the kids having a great time in boats.

Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?
I sail an Impulse dinghy. When you have good wind and you're sailing well there's no other feeling that can beat it!
I also enjoy being part of a club and the camaraderie that comes with club life and attending regattas. I've met lots of interesting people from a range of backgrounds.
What would you say to someone thinking about getting into sailing?
Do it! It's never too late to have a go. I didn't start sailing until I was 40 and had absolutely no sailing experience whatsoever. Sailing is a great sport to get into because people of all ages can participate - there's a boat for everyone!
Tell us your favourite story ….
Recently I was in a support boat assisting with a Tackers 2 group. It had been a challenging morning with little wind and a strong tide and the kids were having a hard time trying to apply their new skills. Suddenly the breeze picked up and several were off sailing well. One boys face lit up like a lighthouse, he let out a whoop and shouted 'I love this! This is awesome!!' It really made my day to see this young person having such a great time. I totally relate to how he feels. Hopefully we have created a sailor for life.
