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How She Sails: Rowena
Published Tue 03 Dec 2024
How long have you been in the sport of Sailing?
I have been sailing since I was a child.
What Part do you play in our sport? Choose as many as applicable.
Sailor, Race Official, Instructor, Coach, Club Volunteer, on water volunteer
What Club, Association or company are you involved with?
I mostly sail on Sydney harbour from CYCA, SASC and RSYS - but will sail most anywhere....
Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing
I was lucky to have parents who sailed and got me on boats as a toddler and into sailing courses from age 9.
From there I was an instructor and a competitor....and still am....
Growing up in the sport has really shaped my life.
There are many pathways in sailing, where has your journey taken you?
Learning to sail, and race from a young age gave me a lot of opportunities and I have represented AUS and NZ at World Championship level. Most of my sailing has been One Design, and I have been able to sail throughout Australia and New Zealand, in USA and throughout Europe.
I now sail for the pure joy, try to volunteer where I can, am active on protest committees, have completed my instructor course and will always consider myself a coach.
Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?
Being on the water is my happy place, but the sailing community is really my family.
Racing is a wonderful mix of strategy, skill, concentration and knowledge.
What would you say to someone thinking about getting into sailing?
Do it! don't wait, make time. Time is the most precious commodity we have, and if you can commit to yourself or to a boat you will reap the rewards.
If you are going to race - read the RRS, the NOR's and SI's.
Tell us your favourite story.
Too many to tell - ranging from winning a start on Port tack, sharing wins in regattas, through to raft-ups on yachts, travelling to some amazing clubs and ports, and my growing world-wide sailing family.