
How She Sails: Sabrina

Published Mon 20 May 2024

How long have you been in the sport of Sailing?

Since 2018

What Club, Association or company are you involved with?

Metung yacht club junior squad

What part do you play in our sport? (eg. Sailor, club volunteer, committee member)


Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing

I first got involved with sailing, when my best friend said she was going to try it out. We both immediately loved it and then sailed together for three years. Started in optis together and moved up into cadets together.

There are many pathways in sailing,  where has your journey taken you?

My sailing journey started in optis and cadets and I now sail lasers and 420s. But I have also sail many other yachts over the years. I have raced in 3 Sandrigham and Metung Easters and cadet nationals. Sailing has opened so many new pathways and opportunities for me. The seniors invited me to do regattas with them in the Dragons and Etchells.

Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?

When I first got into sailing, I loved the racing and competing. Now that I'm older, I still love the competition side, but I also love meeting new people and creating life long friendships and bonding over sailing.
I also love, love, love hiking and the trapeze it's one of my favourite things ever!!!

What would you say to someone thinking about getting into sailing?

Do it! It's such a great sport with so many possibilities. Sailing is also a great skill to have. You meet so many cool people and make new friends. Trust me you will love it!

Tell us your favourite story

The races for the regatta was cancelled because it was too windy. But some of us still went out sailing, it was so windy that things where braking on the boat like the hiking straps. I switched into the 420 and started to skipper. My crew told me that the hiking straps had snapped off. We tacked, I sat up on the side to hike and completely forgot the hiking straps were gone so my feet hooked onto nothing and I fell off the boat into the water. I couldn't stop laughing, it was so funny.
