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How She Sails: Caroline
Published Thu 07 May 2020
How long have you been in the sport of Sailing?
3 years
What Club, Association or company are you involved with?
Whitsunday Sailing Club
What Part do you play in our sport?
Sailor, Club Volunteer, Committee Member, Parent
Tell us how you first got involved with Sailing
My son started learning to sail
There are many pathways in sailing, where has your journey taken you?
From my son starting and then my daughter, we spent more time at the club. My son suggested that I Learn to sail, it took a while to convince me but I took the plunge and have really enjoyed it! I volunteered at the last Airlie beach race week and I am hoping I might get to crew on a boat this year at race week. I also have the opportunity to crew every second week on a boat every second week for twilight sailing with my 9year old daughter and my 12 year old son crews on his friends dad's boat. It is a fantastic way to stay connected with your kids and enjoy something together.
Whatever part of sailing you belong to, tell us about what you enjoy about your sport?
I love being part of a sport that can encompass all ages and abilities together!
Tell us your favourite story ….
Going out one Sunday afternoon with my son and his friend on a quest and racing with them. I had only been learning for a few months and thought i was going really well so I convinced my son Jesse to let me helm, so it was coming up to the 3rd and final race, the count down was on to the start and I was not doing very well, Jesse was telling me to give the tiller to his friend but I was convinced I had it and we were going to have our best start! The start gun goes off and before we even get across the line I capsized the boat! We all ended up in the water , the boys got back on the boat and before a I could climb on the boat started taking off, i was hanging on to a rope at the back getting pulled along! We were all hysterically laughing. They pulled me on board and we finished the race, coming in last! But it was great to have that experience with my son and something we still laugh about!
"Come and try! I never thought it would be something I would do or ever enjoy but how wrong I was!" |