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Developing Leaders
In a past survey female sailors responded that they would like to see more females in club leadership roles as they felt this would encourage further female membership and participation as well as enhancing the female friendliness of the club.
Taking this on board, Australian Sailing’s goal is to have a She Sails Club Representative at every Club in Australia. This person collaborates with Australian Sailing staff and the She Sails State Groups, on a voluntary basis, to enhance female participation in the sport of sailing.
The Role
1. Be part of the She Sails State Networking Group which gives you opportunities to attend special workshops and social functions.
2. Attend (online and in person) regular informal sharing sessions and provide feedback to the She Sails State Networking Groups & Australian Sailing the success of any initiatives and any ideas for improvement
3. Have the opportunity to be part of the leadership group which provides guidance for future strategies.
4. Promote the National, State and Club She Sails initiatives.
5. Keep the National She Sails Event Planning Calendar Up to date with all your club She Sail activities (Workshops, Social, Events and Programs).
6. Be the initial club contact point for prospective and existing female members.
7. Encourage the club to use the She Sails resources and to promote these activities via social media (view the Marketing Toolkit here)
8. Encourage women and girls to tell their story with How She Sails (you can read them here on the website How She Sails)
If you are interested:
Talk to your club or contact us.